TShark: CLI Wireshark Features

Command-Line Wireshark Features I | Statistics

At the beginning of this module, we mentioned that TShark is considered a command line version of Wireshark. In addition to sharing the same display filters, TShark can accomplish several features of Wireshark explained below.

Three important points when using Wireshark-like features:

  • These options are applied to all packets in scope unless a display filter is provided.

  • Most of the commands shown below are CLI versions of the Wireshark features discussed in Wireshark: Packet Operations (Task 2).

  • TShark explains the parameters used at the beginning of the output line.

    • For example, you will use the phs option to view the protocol hierarchy. Once you use this command, the result will start with the "Packet Hierarchy Statistics" header.



  • Wireshark-like colourised output.

  • tshark --color


  • Statistics

  • There are multiple options available under this parameter. You can view the available filters under this parameter with:

    • tshark -z help

  • Sample usage.

    • tshark -z filter

  • Each time you filter the statistics, packets are shown first, then the statistics provided. You can suppress packets and focus on the statistics by using the -q parameter.

Colourised Output

TShark can provide colourised outputs to help analysts speed up the analysis and spot anomalies quickly. If you are more of a Wireshark person and feel the need for a Wireshark-style packet highlighting this option does that. The colour option is activated with the --color parameter, as shown below.

user@ubuntu$ tshark -r colour.pcap --color  

Statistics | Protocol Hierarchy

Protocol hierarchy helps analysts to see the protocols used, frame numbers, and size of packets in a tree view based on packet numbers. As it provides a summary of the capture, it can help analysts decide the focus point for an event of interest. Use the -z io,phs -q parameters to view the protocol hierarchy.

user@ubuntu$ tshark -r demo.pcapng -z io,phs -q
Protocol Hierarchy Statistics

  eth                                    frames:43 bytes:25091
    ip                                   frames:43 bytes:25091
      tcp                                frames:41 bytes:24814
        http                             frames:4 bytes:2000
          data-text-lines                frames:1 bytes:214
            tcp.segments                 frames:1 bytes:214
          xml                            frames:1 bytes:478
            tcp.segments                 frames:1 bytes:478
      udp                                frames:2 bytes:277
        dns                              frames:2 bytes:277

After viewing the entire packet tree, you can focus on a specific protocol as shown below. Add the udp keyword to the filter to focus on the UDP protocol.

user@ubuntu$ tshark -r demo.pcapng -z io,phs,udp -q
Protocol Hierarchy Statistics
Filter: udp

  eth                                    frames:2 bytes:277
    ip                                   frames:2 bytes:277
      udp                                frames:2 bytes:277
        dns                              frames:2 bytes:277

Statistics | Packet Lengths Tree

The packet lengths tree view helps analysts to overview the general distribution of packets by size in a tree view. It allows analysts to detect anomalously big and small packets at a glance! Use the -z plen,tree -q parameters to view the packet lengths tree.

user@ubuntu$ tshark -r demo.pcapng -z plen,tree -q

Packet Lengths:
Topic / Item       Count     Average       Min val       Max val     Rate (ms)     Percent     Burst rate    Burst start  
Packet Lengths     43        583.51        54            1484        0.0014        100         0.0400        2.554        
 0-19              0         -             -             -           0.0000        0.00        -             -            
 20-39             0         -             -             -           0.0000        0.00        -             -            
 40-79             22        54.73         54            62          0.0007        51.16       0.0200        0.911        
 80-159            1         89.00         89            89          0.0000        2.33        0.0100        2.554        
 160-319           2         201.00        188           214         0.0001        4.65        0.0100        2.914        
 320-639           2         505.50        478           533         0.0001        4.65        0.0100        0.911        
 640-1279          1         775.00        775           775         0.0000        2.33        0.0100        2.984        
 1280-2559         15        1440.67       1434          1484        0.0005        34.88       0.0200        2.554        
 2560-5119         0         -             -             -           0.0000        0.00        -             -            
 5120 and greater  0         -             -             -           0.0000        0.00        -             -            

Statistics | Endpoints

The endpoint statistics view helps analysts to overview the unique endpoints. It also shows the number of packets associated with each endpoint. If you are familiar with Wireshark, you should know that endpoints can be viewed in multiple formats. Similar to Wireshark, TShark supports multiple source filtering options for endpoint identification. Use the -z endpoints,ip -q parameters to view IP endpoints. Note that you can choose other available protocols as well.

Filters for the most common viewing options are explained below.



  • Ethernet addresses


  • IPv4 addresses


  • IPv6 addresses


  • TCP addresses

  • Valid for both IPv4 and IPv6


  • UDP addresses

  • Valid for both IPv4 and IPv6


  • IEEE 802.11 addresses

user@ubuntu$ tshark -r demo.pcapng -z endpoints,ip -q
IPv4 Endpoints
                       |  Packets  | |  Bytes  | | Tx Packets | | Tx Bytes | | Rx Packets | | Rx Bytes |               43         25091         20            2323          23           22768                34         20695         18           19344          16            1351                  7          4119          4            3236           3             883                  2           277          1             188           1              89   

Statistics | Conversations

The conversations view helps analysts to overview the traffic flow between two particular connection points. Similar to endpoint filtering, conversations can be viewed in multiple formats. This filter uses the same parameters as the "Endpoints" option. Use the -z conv,ip -q parameters to view IP conversations.

user@ubuntu$ tshark -r demo.pcapng -z conv,ip -q  
IPv4 Conversations
                                           |       <-      | |       ->      | |     Total     |    Relative    |   Duration
                                           | Frames  Bytes | | Frames  Bytes | | Frames  Bytes |      Start     |      <->           16      1351      18     19344      34     20695     0.000000000        30.3937  <->              4      3236       3       883       7      4119     2.984291000         1.7926    <->            1        89       1       188       2       277     2.553672000         0.3605

Statistics | Expert Info

The expert info view helps analysts to view the automatic comments provided by Wireshark. If you are unfamiliar with the "Wireshark Expert Info", visit task 4 in the Wireshark: The Basics room of the Wireshark module. Use the -z expert -q parameters to view the expert information.

user@ubuntu$ tshark -r demo.pcapng -z expert -q

Notes (3)
   Frequency      Group           Protocol  Summary
           1   Sequence                TCP  This frame is a (suspected) spurious retransmission
           1   Sequence                TCP  This frame is a (suspected) retransmission
           1   Sequence                TCP  Duplicate ACK (#1)

Chats (8)
   Frequency      Group           Protocol  Summary
           1   Sequence                TCP  Connection establish request (SYN): server port 80
           1   Sequence                TCP  Connection establish acknowledge (SYN+ACK): server port 80
           1   Sequence               HTTP  GET /download.html HTTP/1.1\r\n
           1   Sequence               HTTP  GET /pagead/ads?client=ca-pub-2309191948673629&random=1084443430285&lmt=1082467020
           2   Sequence               HTTP  HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n
           2   Sequence                TCP  Connection finish (FIN)

Q & A

1) Use the "write-demo.pcap" to answer the questions. What is the byte value of the TCP protocol?

tshark -r write-demo.pcap -z io,phs -q

Answer: 62

2) In which packet lengths row is our packet listed?

tshark -r write-demo.pcap -z plen,tree -q

3) What is the summary of the expert info?

tshark -r write-demo.pcap -z expert -q

Answer: Connection establish request (SYN): server port 80

4) List the communications. What is the IP address that exists in all IPv4 conversations?

tshark -r demo.pcapng -z conv,ip -q

Answer: 145[.]254[.]160[.]237

Command-Line Wireshark Features II | Specific Filters for Particular Protocols

There are plenty of filters designed for multiple protocols. The common filtering options for specific protocols are explained below. Note that most of the commands shown below are CLI versions of the Wireshark features discussed in Wireshark: Packet Operations (Task 3)

Statistics | IPv4 and IPv6

This option provides statistics on IPv4 and IPv6 packets, as shown below. Having the protocol statistics helps analysts to overview packet distribution according to the protocol type. You can filter the available protocol types and view the details using the -z ptype,tree -q parameters.

user@ubuntu$ tshark -r demo.pcapng -z ptype,tree -q
IPv4 Statistics/IP Protocol Types:
Topic / Item       Count         Average       Min val       Max val Rate (ms)     Percent       Burst rate    Burst start  
IP Protocol Types  43                                                0.0014        100          0.0400        2.554        
 TCP               41                                                0.0013        95.35        0.0300        0.911        
 UDP               2                                                 0.0001        4.65         0.0100        2.554        

Having the summary of the hosts in a single view is useful as well. Especially when you are working with large captures, viewing all hosts with a single command can help you to detect an anomalous host at a glance. You can filter all IP addresses using the parameters given below.

  • IPv4: -z ip_hosts,tree -q

  • IPv6: -z ipv6_hosts,tree -q

user@ubuntu$ tshark -r demo.pcapng -z ip_hosts,tree -q
IPv4 Statistics/All Addresses:
Topic / Item      Count         Average       Min val       Max val  Rate (ms)     Percent       Burst rate    Burst start  
All Addresses     43                                                 0.0014        100          0.0400        2.554  43                                                 0.0014        100.00       0.0400        2.554   34                                                 0.0011        79.07        0.0300        0.911            

For complex cases and in-depth analysis, you will need to correlate the finding by focusing on the source and destination addresses. You can filter all source and destination addresses using the parameters given below.

  • IPv4: -z ip_srcdst,tree -q

  • IPv6: -z ipv6_srcdst,tree -q

user@ubuntu$ tshark -r demo.pcapng -z ip_srcdst,tree -q
IPv4 Statistics/Source and Destination Addresses:
Topic / Item                     Count         Average       Min val       Max val  Rate (ms)     Percent       Burst rate    Burst start  
Source IPv4 Addresses            43                                                 0.0014        100          0.0400                       20                                                 0.0007        46.51        0.0200                         18                                                 0.0006        41.86        0.0200
Destination IPv4 Addresses       43                                                 0.0014        100          0.0400                      23                                                 0.0008        53.49        0.0200                       16                                                 0.0005        37.21        0.0200

In some cases, you will need to focus on the outgoing traffic to spot the used services and ports. You can filter all outgoing traffic by using the parameters given below.

  • IPv4: -z dests,tree -q

  • IPv6: -z ipv6_dests,tree -q

user@ubuntu$ tshark -r demo.pcapng -z dests,tree -q
IPv4 Statistics/Destinations and Ports:
Topic / Item            Count         Average       Min val       Max val       Rate (ms)     Percent       Burst rate    Burst start  
Destinations and Ports  43                                                      0.0014        100          0.0400        2.554        23                                                      0.0008        53.49        0.0200        2.554        
  TCP                   22                                                      0.0007        95.65        0.0200        2.554        
   3372                 18                                                      0.0006        81.82        0.0200        2.554        
   3371                 4                                                       0.0001        18.18        0.0200        3.916        
  UDP                   1                                                       0.0000        4.35         0.0100        2.914        
   3009                 1                                                       0.0000        100.00       0.0100        2.914         16                                                      0.0005        37.21        0.0200        0.911        

Statistics | DNS

This option provides statistics on DNS packets by summarising the available info. You can filter the packets and view the details using the -z dns,tree -q parameters.

user@ubuntu$ tshark -r demo.pcapng -z dns,tree -q
Topic / Item                   Count         Average       Min val       Max val       Rate (ms)     Percent       Burst rate    Burst start  
Total Packets                  2                                             0.0055        100          0.0100        2.554        
 rcode                         2                                             0.0055        100.00       0.0100        2.554        
  No error                     2                                             0.0055        100.00       0.0100        2.554        
 opcodes                       2                                             0.0055        100.00       0.0100        2.554        
  Standard query               2                                             0.0055        100.00       0.0100        2.554                  

Statistics | HTTP

This option provides statistics on HTTP packets by summarising the load distribution, requests, packets, and status info. You can filter the packets and view the details using the parameters given below.

  • Packet and status counter for HTTP: -z http,tree -q

  • Packet and status counter for HTTP2: -z http2,tree -q

  • Load distribution: -z http_srv,tree -q

  • Requests: -z http_req,tree -q

  • Requests and responses: -z http_seq,tree -q

user@ubuntu$ tshark -r demo.pcapng -z http,tree -q
HTTP/Packet Counter:
Topic / Item            Count         Average       Min val       Max val       Rate (ms)     Percent     Burst rate  Burst start  
Total HTTP Packets      4                                                       0.0010        100          0.0100     0.911        
 HTTP Response Packets  2                                                       0.0005        50.00        0.0100     3.956        
  2xx: Success          2                                                       0.0005        100.00       0.0100     3.956        
   200 OK               2                                                       0.0005        100.00       0.0100     3.956        
  ???: broken           0                                                       0.0000        0.00         -          -                     
  3xx: Redirection      0                                                       0.0000        0.00         -          -                    

Q & A

1) Which IP address has 7 appearances?

tshark -r demo.pcapng -z ip_hosts,tree -q -q

Answer: 216[.]239[.]59[.]99

2) What is the "destination address percentage" of the previous IP address?

tshark -r demo.pcapng -z ip_srcdst,tree -q -q

Answer: 6.98%

3) Which IP address constitutes "2.33% of the destination addresses"?

Answer: 145[.]253[.]2[.]203

4) What is the average "Qname Len" value?

tshark -r demo.pcapng -z dns,tree -q -q | grep "Qname"

Answer: 29.00

Command-Line Wireshark Features III | Streams, Objects and Credentials

There are plenty of filters designed for multiple purposes. The common filtering options for specific operations are explained below. Note that most of the commands shown below are CLI versions of the Wireshark features discussed in the Wireshark module.

Follow Stream

This option helps analysts to follow traffic streams similar to Wireshark. The query structure is explained in the table given below.

Main ParameterProtocolView ModeStream Number

-z follow

  • TCP

  • UDP

  • HTTP

  • HTTP2

  • HEX


0 | 1 | 2 | 3 ...

Note: Streams start from "0". You can filter the packets and follow the streams by using the parameters given below.

  • TCP Streams: -z follow,tcp,ascii,0 -q

  • UDP Streams: -z follow,udp,ascii,0 -q

  • HTTP Streams: -z follow,http,ascii,0 -q

user@ubuntu$ tshark -r demo.pcapng -z follow,tcp,ascii,1 -q
Follow: tcp,ascii
Filter: tcp.stream eq 1
Node 0:
Node 1:
GET /pagead/ads?client=ca-pub-2309191948673629&random=1084443430285&lmt=1082467020&format=468x60_as&outp...
Host: pagead2.googlesyndication.com
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.6) Gecko/20040113

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
P3P: policyref="http://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/p3p.xml", CP="NOI DEV PSA PSD IVA PVD OTP OUR OTR IND OTC"
Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Encoding: gzip
Server: CAFE/1.0
Cache-control: private, x-gzip-ok=""
Content-length: 1272
Date: Thu, 13 May 2004 10:17:14 GMT

...mmU.x..o....E1...X.l.(.AL.f.....dX..KAh....Q....D...'.!...Bw..{.Y/T...<...GY9J....?;.ww...Ywf..... >6..Ye.X..H_@.X.YM.......#:.....D..~O..STrt..,4....H9W..!E.....&.X.=..P9..a...<...-.O.l.-m....h..p7.(O?.a..:..-knhie...

Export Objects

This option helps analysts to extract files from DICOM, HTTP, IMF, SMB and TFTP. The query structure is explained in the table given below.

Main ParameterProtocolTarget Folder



  • HTTP

  • IMF

  • SMB

  • TFTP

Target folder to save the files.

You can filter the packets and follow the streams by using the parameters given below.

  • --export-objects http,/home/ubuntu/Desktop/extracted-by-tshark -q

# Extract the files from HTTP traffic.
user@ubuntu$ tshark -r demo.pcapng --export-objects http,/home/ubuntu/Desktop/extracted-by-tshark -q

# view the target folder content.
user@ubuntu$ ls -l /home/ubuntu/Desktop/extracted-by-tshark/
total 24
-rw-r--r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu  'ads%3fclient=ca-pub-2309191948673629&random=1084443430285&lmt=1082467020&format=468x60_as&o
-rw-r--r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu download.html


This option helps analysts to detect and collect cleartext credentials from FTP, HTTP, IMAP, POP and SMTP. You can filter the packets and find the cleartext credentials using the parameters below.

  • -z credentials -q

user@ubuntu$ tshark -r credentials.pcap -z credentials -q
Packet     Protocol         Username         Info            
------     --------         --------         --------
72         FTP              admin            Username in packet: 37
80         FTP              admin            Username in packet: 47
83         FTP              admin            Username in packet: 54
118        FTP              admin            Username in packet: 93
123        FTP              admin            Username in packet: 97
167        FTP              administrator    Username in packet: 133
207        FTP              administrator    Username in packet: 170
220        FTP              administrator    Username in packet: 184
230        FTP              administrator    Username in packet: 193

Q & A

1) Follow the "UDP stream 0". What is the "Node 0" value?

tshark -r demo.pcapng -z follow,udp,ascii,0 -q

Answer: 145[.]254[.]160[.]237:3009

2) Follow the "HTTP stream 1". What is the "Referer" value?

tshark -r demo.pcapng -z follow,http,ascii,1 -q

Answer: hxxp[://]www[.]ethereal[.]com/download[.]html

3) Use the "credentials.pcap" to answer the question. What is the total number of detected credentials?

tshark -r credentials.pcap -z credentials -q | nl

By excluding the first 3 lines and the last line, we get 75

Answer: 75

Advanced Filtering Options | Contains, Matches and Extract Fields

Accomplishing in-depth packet analysis sometimes ends up with a special filtering requirement that cannot be covered with default filters. TShark supports Wireshark's "contains" and "matches" operators, which are the key to the advanced filtering options. You can visit the Wireshark: Packet Operations room (Task 6) if you are unfamiliar with these filters.

A quick recap from the Wireshark: Packet Operations room:



  • Search a value inside packets.

  • Case sensitive.

  • Similar to Wireshark's "find" option.


  • Search a pattern inside packets.

  • Supports regex.

  • Case insensitive.

  • Complex queries have a margin of error.

Note: The "contains" and "matches" operators cannot be used with fields consisting of "integer" values.

Tip: Using HEX and regex values instead of ASCII always has a better chance of a match.

Extract Fields

This option helps analysts to extract specific parts of data from the packets. In this way, analysts have the opportunity to collect and correlate various fields from the packets. It also helps analysts manage the query output on the terminal. The query structure is explained in the table given below.

Main FilterTarget FieldShow Field Name

-T fields

-e <field name>

-E header=y

Note: You need to use the -e parameter for each field you want to display.

You can filter any field by using the field names as shown below.

  • -T fields -e ip.src -e ip.dst -E header=y

user@ubuntu$ tshark -r demo.pcapng -T fields -e ip.src -e ip.dst -E header=y -c 5         
ip.src	ip.dst

Filter: "contains"




Comparison operator


Search a value inside packets. It is case-sensitive and provides similar functionality to the "Find" option by focusing on a specific field.


Find all "Apache" servers.


List all HTTP packets where the "server" field contains the "Apache" keyword.


http.server contains "Apache"

user@ubuntu$ tshark -r demo.pcapng -Y 'http.server contains "Apache"'                          
   38   4.846969 ? HTTP/XML HTTP/1.1 200 OK 

user@ubuntu$ tshark -r demo.pcapng -Y 'http.server contains "Apache"' -T fields -e ip.src -e ip.dst -e http.server -E header=y
ip.src	ip.dst	http.server	Apache 

Filter: "matches"




Comparison operator


Search a pattern of a regular expression. It is case-insensitive, and complex queries have a margin of error.


Find all .php and .html pages.


List all HTTP packets where the "request method" field matches the keywords "GET" or "POST".


http.request.method matches "(GET|POST)"

user@ubuntu$ tshark -r demo.pcapng -Y 'http.request.method matches "(GET|POST)"'               
    4   0.911310 ? HTTP GET /download.html HTTP/1.1 
   18   2.984291 ? HTTP GET /pagead/ads?client=ca-pub-2309191948673629&random=1084443430285&

user@ubuntu$ tshark -r demo.pcapng -Y 'http.request.method matches "(GET|POST)"' -T fields -e ip.src -e ip.dst -e http.request.method -E header=y
ip.src	ip.dst	http.request.method	GET	GET

Q & A

1) What is the HTTP packet number that contains the keyword "CAFE"?

tshark -r demo.pcapng -Y 'http.server contains "CAFE"'

Answer: 27

2) Filter the packets with "GET" and "POST" requests and extract the packet frame time. What is the first time value found?

tshark -r demo.pcapng -Y 'http.request.method matches "(GET|POST)"' -T fields -e frame.time -E header=y

Answer: May 13, 2004 10:17:08.222534000 UTC

Use Cases

When investigating a case, a security analyst should know how to extract hostnames, DNS queries, and user agents to hunt low-hanging fruits after viewing the statistics and creating an investigation plan. The most common four use cases for every security analyst are demonstrated below. If you want to learn more about the mentioned protocols and benefits of the extracted info, please refer to the Wireshark Traffic Analysis room.

Extract Hostnames

user@ubuntu$ tshark -r hostnames.pcapng -T fields -e dhcp.option.hostname     




The above example shows how to extract hostnames from DHCP packets with TShark. However, the output is hard to manage when multiple duplicate values exist. A skilled analyst should know how to use native Linux tools/utilities to manage and organise the command line output, as shown below.

user@ubuntu$ tshark -r hostnames.pcapng -T fields -e dhcp.option.hostname | awk NF | sort -r | uniq -c | sort -r
     26 202-ac
     18 92-rkd
     14 93-sts-sec

Now the output is organised and ready to process/use. The logic of the query is explained below.


tshark -r hostnames.pcapng -T fields -e dhcp.option.hostname

Main query. Extract the DHCP hostname value.

awk NF

Remove empty lines.

sort -r

Sort recursively before handling the values.

uniq -c

Show unique values, but calculate and show the number of occurrences.

sort -r

The final sort process. Show the output/results from high occurrences to less.

Extract DNS Queries

user@ubuntu$ tshark -r dns-queries.pcap -T fields -e dns.qry.name | awk NF | sort -r | uniq -c | sort -r
     96 connectivity-check.ubuntu.com.rhodes.edu
     94 connectivity-check.ubuntu.com
      4 e.9.d.b.c.9.d.7.1.b.0.f.a.
      4 0.f.2.5.6.b.e.f.f.f.b.
      2 _ipps._tcp.local,_ipp._tcp.local

Extract User Agents

user@ubuntu$ tshark -r user-agents.pcap -T fields -e http.user_agent | awk NF | sort -r | uniq -c | sort -r
      6 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.4; en-US) AppleWebKit/534.10 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/8.0.552.237 Safari/534.10
      5 Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:100.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/100.0
      5 Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/60.0.3112.32 Safari/537.36
      4 sqlmap/1.4#stable (http://sqlmap.org)
      3 Wfuzz/2.7
      3 Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Nmap Scripting Engine; https://nmap.org/book/nse.html)

Q & A

1) What is the total number of unique hostnames?

tshark -r hostnames.pcapng -T fields -e dhcp.option.hostname | sort | uniq | awk NF | wc -l

Answer: 30

2) What is the total appearance count of the "prus-pc" hostname?

tshark -r hostnames.pcapng -T fields -e dhcp.option.hostname | sort | awk NF | grep "prus-pc" | wc -l

Answer: 12

3) What is the total number of queries of the most common DNS query?

tshark -r dns-queries.pcap -T fields -e dns.qry.name | awk NF | sort -r | uniq -c | sort -r

Answer: 472

4) What is the total number of the detected "Wfuzz user agents"?

tshark -r user-agents.pcap -T fields -e http.user_agent | awk NF | sort -r | uniq -c | sort -r | grep "Wfuzz"

5) What is the "HTTP hostname" of the nmap scans?

tshark -r user-agents.pcap -T fields -e http.user_agent -e http.host | awk NF | sort | uniq -c | sort -r | grep "nmap"

Answer: 172[.]16[.]172[.]129

Last updated