Credentials in Shares


Credentials exposed in network shares are (probably) the most encountered misconfiguration in Active Directory to date. Any medium/large enterprises will undoubtedly have exposed credentials, although it may also happen in small businesses.

We often find credentials in network shares within scripts and configuration files (batch, cmd, PowerShell, conf, ini, and config). In contrast, credentials on a user's local machine primarily reside in text files, Excel sheets, or Word documents. The main difference between the storage of credentials on shares and machines is that the former poses a significantly higher risk, as it may be accessible by every user. A network share may be accessible by every user for four main reasons:

  • Initially, an admin user creates shares with restricted access, but eventually, either the same or another admin opens them to everyone. As a result, the shares become accessible to all users, including Domain users in Active Directory environments, granting them at least read access. This occurs due to the incorrect assumption that adding Users limits access to local server users or administrators.

  • The administrator adding scripts with credentials to a share is unaware it is a shared folder. Many admins test their scripts in a scripts folder in the C:\ drive; however, if the folder is shared (for example, with Users), then the data within the scripts is also exposed on the network.

  • Another example is purposely creating an open share to move data to a server (for example, an application or some other files) and forgetting to close it later.

  • There is a misconception that hidden shares (folders ending with a $) are invisible unless their location is known. This misunderstanding arises because Windows Explorer does not display these folders, but other tools can still reveal them.


The first step is identifying what shares exist in a domain. There are plenty of tools available that can achieve this, such as PowerView's Invoke-ShareFinder. This function allows specifying that default shares should be filtered out (such as c$ and IPC$) and also check if the invoking user has access to the rest of the shares it finds. The final output contains a list of non-default shares that the current user account has at least read access to:

PS C:\Users\bob\Downloads> Invoke-ShareFinder -domain eagle.local -ExcludeStandard -CheckShareAccess

\\DC2.eagle.local\NETLOGON      - Logon server share
\\DC2.eagle.local\SYSVOL        - Logon server share
\\WS001.eagle.local\Share       -
\\WS001.eagle.local\Users       -
\\Server01.eagle.local\dev$     -
\\DC1.eagle.local\NETLOGON      - Logon server share
\\DC1.eagle.local\SYSVOL        - Logon server share

The image above shows a share with the name dev$. Because of the dollar sign, if we were to browse the server which contains the share using Windows Explorer, we would be presented with an empty list (shares such as C$ and IPC$ even though available by default, Explorer does not display them because of the dollar sign):

However, since we have the UNC path from the output, if we browse to it, we will be able to see the contents inside the share:

A few automated tools exist, such as SauronEye, which can parse a collection of files and pick up matching words. However, because there are few shares in the playground, we will take a more manual approach (Living Off the Land) and use the built-in command findstr for this attack. When running findstr, we will specify the following arguments:

  • /s forces to search the current directory and all subdirectories

  • /i ignores case in the search term

  • /m shows only the filename for a file that matches the term. We highly need this in real production environments because of the huge amounts of text that get returned. For example, this can be thousands of lines in PowerShell scripts that contain the PassThru parameter when matching for the string pass.

  • The term that defines what we are looking for. Good candidates include pass, pw, and the NETBIOS name of the domain. In the playground environment, it is eagle. Attractive targets for this search would be file types such as .bat, .cmd, .ps1, .conf, .config, and .ini. Here's how findstr can be executed to display the path of the files with a match that contains pass relative to the current location:

PS C:\Users\bob\Downloads> cd \\Server01.eagle.local\dev$
PS Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\FileSystem::\\Server01.eagle.local\dev$> findstr /m /s /i "pass" *.bat
PS Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\FileSystem::\\Server01.eagle.local\dev$> findstr /m /s /i "pass" *.cmd
PS Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\FileSystem::\\Server01.eagle.local\dev$> findstr /m /s /i "pass" *.ini
PS Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\FileSystem::\\Server01.eagle.local\dev$> findstr /m /s /i "pass" *.config

Similarly, we can execute findstr by looking for pw as the search term. Note that if we remove the `/m' argument, it will display the exact line in the file where the match occurred:

PS Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\FileSystem::\\Server01.eagle.local\dev$> findstr /m /s /i "pw" *.config

PS Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\FileSystem::\\Server01.eagle.local\dev$> findstr /s /i "pw" *.config

One obvious and yet uncommon search term is the NetBIOS name of the domain. Commands such as runas and net take passwords as a positional argument on the command line instead of passing them via pass, pw, or any other term. It is usually defined as /user:DOMAIN\USERNAME PASSWORD. Here's the search executed in the playground domain:

PS Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\FileSystem::\\Server01.eagle.local\dev$> findstr /m /s /i "eagle" *.ps1

PS Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\FileSystem::\\Server01.eagle.local\dev$> findstr /s /i "eagle" *.ps1
2\4\4\Software\connect.ps1:net use E: \\DC1\sharedScripts /user:eagle\Administrator Slavi123

The last command reads the text file and displays its content, including the credentials; this would be the domain's built-in account credentials (not uncommon to find domain admin rights in these script files).

Note that running findstr with the same arguments is recently picked up by Windows Defender as suspicious behavior.


The best practice to prevent these attacks is to lock down every share in the domain so there are no loose permissions.

Technically, there is no way to prevent what users leave behind them in scripts or other exposed files, so performing regular scans (e.g., weekly) on AD environments to identify any new open shares or credentials exposed in older ones is necessary.


Understanding and analyzing users' behavior is the best detection technique for abusing discovered credentials in shares. Suppose we know the time and location of users' login via data analysis. In that case, it will be effortless to alert on seemingly suspicious behaviors—for example, the discovered account 'Administrator' in the attack described above. If we were a mature organization that used Privileged Access Workstation, we would be alert to privileged users not authenticating from those machines. These would be alerts on event IDs 4624/4625 (failed and successful logon) and 4768 (Kerberos TGT requested).

Below is an example of a successful logon with event ID 4624 for the Administrator account:

Similarly, if Kerberos were used for authentication, event ID 4768 would be generated:

Another detection technique is discovering the one-to-many connections, for example, when Invoke-ShareFinder scans every domain device to obtain a list of its network shares. It would be abnormal for a workstation to connect to 100s or even 1000s of other devices simultaneously.


This attack provides another excellent reason for leaving a honeypot user in AD environments: a semi-privileged username with a wrong password. An adversary can only discover this if the password was changed after the file's last modification containing this exposed fake password. Below is a good setup for the account:

  • A service account that was created 2+ years ago. The last password change should be at least one year ago.

  • The last modification time of the file containing the fake password must be after the last password change of the account. Because it is a fake password, there is no risk of a threat agent compromising the account.

  • The account is still active in the environment.

  • The script containing the credentials should be realistic. (For example, if we choose an MSSQL service account, a connection string can expose the credentials.)

Because the provided password is wrong, we would primarily expect failed logon attempts. Three event IDs (4625, 4771, and 4776) can indicate this. Here is how they look from our playground environment if an attacker is attempting to authenticate with the account svc-iis and a wrong password:

  • 4625

  • 4771

  • 4776

Q & A

1) Connect to the target and enumerate the available network shares. What is the password of the Administrator2 user?

Let’s start by importing the Powerview.ps1 script to utilize Invoke-ShareFinder for identifying domain shares.

Next, let’s search the dev$ share for the Administrator2 password.

findstr /m /s /i "Administrator2" *.ps1

Answer: Slavi920

Last updated