Hunting Evil with YARA (Windows Edition)

Hunting for Malicious Executables on Disk with YARA

As we saw in the previous section, YARA is a potent weapon in the arsenal of cybersecurity professionals for detecting and hunting malicious executables on a disk. With custom YARA rules or established ones at our disposal, we can pinpoint suspicious or potentially malicious files based on distinct patterns, traits, or behaviors.

We'll first examine the malware sample inside a hex editor (HxD, located at C:\Program Files\HxD) to identify the previously discovered string C:\crysis\Release\PDB\payload.pdb.

If we scroll almost to the bottom, we will notice yet another seemingly unique sssssbsss string.

Going forward, we will craft a rule grounded in these patterns and then utilize the YARA utility to scour the filesystem for similar executables.

Note: In a Linux machine the hexdump utility could have been used to identify the aforementioned hex bytes as follows.

remnux@remnux:~$ hexdump dharma_sample.exe -C | grep crysis -n3
3140-0000c7e0  52 00 43 6c 6f 73 65 48  61 6e 64 6c 65 00 4b 45  |R.CloseHandle.KE|
3141-0000c7f0  52 4e 45 4c 33 32 2e 64  6c 6c 00 00 52 53 44 53  |RNEL32.dll..RSDS|
3142-0000c800  25 7e 6d 90 fc 96 43 42  8e c3 87 23 6b 61 a4 92  |%~m...CB...#ka..|
3143:0000c810  03 00 00 00 43 3a 5c 63  72 79 73 69 73 5c 52 65  |....C:\crysis\Re|
3144-0000c820  6c 65 61 73 65 5c 50 44  42 5c 70 61 79 6c 6f 61  |lease\PDB\payloa|
3145-0000c830  64 2e 70 64 62 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  |d.pdb...........|
3146-0000c840  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  |................|
remnux@remnux:~$ hexdump dharma_sample.exe -C | grep sssssbsss -n3
5738-00016be0  3d 00 00 00 26 00 00 00  73 73 73 64 00 00 00 00  |=...&...sssd....|
5739-00016bf0  26 61 6c 6c 3d 00 00 00  73 64 00 00 2d 00 61 00  |&|
5740-00016c00  00 00 00 00 73 00 73 00  62 00 73 00 73 00 00 00  |....s.s.b.s.s...|
5741:00016c10  73 73 73 73 73 62 73 73  73 00 00 00 73 73 73 73  |sssssbsss...ssss|
5742-00016c20  73 62 73 00 22 00 00 00  22 00 00 00 5c 00 00 00  |sbs."..."...\...|
5743-00016c30  5c 00 00 00 5c 00 00 00  5c 00 00 00 5c 00 00 00  |\...\...\...\...|
5744-00016c40  22 00 00 00 20 00 22 00  00 00 00 00 5c 00 00 00  |"... .".....\...|

Let's incorporate all identified hex bytes into a rule, enhancing our ability to detect this string across any disk-based executable.

rule ransomware_dharma {

        author = "Madhukar Raina"
        version = "1.0"
        description = "Simple rule to detect strings from Dharma ransomware"
        reference = ""

        $string_pdb = {  433A5C6372797369735C52656C656173655C5044425C7061796C6F61642E706462 }
        $string_ssss = { 73 73 73 73 73 62 73 73 73 }

        condition: all of them

Initiating the YARA executable with this rule, let's observe if it highlights other analogous samples on the disk.

yara64.exe -s C:\Rules\yara\dharma_ransomware.yar C:\Samples\YARASigma\ -r 2>null

As we can see, the pdf_reader.exe,, check_updates.exe, and KB5027505.exe files are detected by this rule (in addition to dharma_sample.exe of course).

Hunting for Evil Within Running Processes with YARA

To ascertain if malware lurks in ongoing processes, we'll unleash the YARA scanner on the system's active processes. Let's demonstrate using a YARA rule that targets Metasploit's meterpreter shellcode, believed to be lurking in a running process.

YARA Rule Source:

rule meterpreter_reverse_tcp_shellcode {
        author = "FDD @ Cuckoo sandbox"
        description = "Rule for metasploit's  meterpreter reverse tcp raw shellcode"

        $s1 = { fce8 8?00 0000 60 }     // shellcode prologe in metasploit
        $s2 = { 648b ??30 }             // mov edx, fs:[???+0x30]
        $s3 = { 4c77 2607 }             // kernel32 checksum
        $s4 = "ws2_"                    // ws2_32.dll
        $s5 = { 2980 6b00 }             // WSAStartUp checksum
        $s6 = { ea0f dfe0 }             // WSASocket checksum
        $s7 = { 99a5 7461 }             // connect checksum

        5 of them

htb_sample_shell.exe injects Metasploit's meterpreter shellcode into the cmdkey.exe process. Let's activate it, ensuring successful injection.

With the injection executed, let's scan every active system process as follows, through another PowerShell terminal (Run as administrator).

PS C:\Windows\system32> Get-Process | ForEach-Object { "Scanning with Yara for meterpreter shellcode on PID "+$; & "yara64.exe" "C:\Rules\yara\meterpreter_shellcode.yar" $ }
Scanning with Yara for meterpreter shellcode on PID 9000
Scanning with Yara for meterpreter shellcode on PID 9016
Scanning with Yara for meterpreter shellcode on PID 4940
Scanning with Yara for meterpreter shellcode on PID 5716
Scanning with Yara for meterpreter shellcode on PID 9084
meterpreter_reverse_tcp_shellcode 9084
Scanning with Yara for meterpreter shellcode on PID 7112
Scanning with Yara for meterpreter shellcode on PID 8400
Scanning with Yara for meterpreter shellcode on PID 9180
Scanning with Yara for meterpreter shellcode on PID 416
error scanning 416: can not attach to process (try running as root)
Scanning with Yara for meterpreter shellcode on PID 492
error scanning 492: can not attach to process (try running as root)
Scanning with Yara for meterpreter shellcode on PID 1824
error scanning 1824: can not attach to process (try running as root)
Scanning with Yara for meterpreter shellcode on PID 8268
Scanning with Yara for meterpreter shellcode on PID 3940
Scanning with Yara for meterpreter shellcode on PID 7960
Scanning with Yara for meterpreter shellcode on PID 988
Scanning with Yara for meterpreter shellcode on PID 6276
Scanning with Yara for meterpreter shellcode on PID 4228
Scanning with Yara for meterpreter shellcode on PID 772
Scanning with Yara for meterpreter shellcode on PID 780
Scanning with Yara for meterpreter shellcode on PID 1192
Scanning with Yara for meterpreter shellcode on PID 7972
meterpreter_reverse_tcp_shellcode 7972
Scanning with Yara for meterpreter shellcode on PID 0
error scanning 0: could not open file
Scanning with Yara for meterpreter shellcode on PID 6788
Scanning with Yara for meterpreter shellcode on PID 924
Scanning with Yara for meterpreter shellcode on PID 636
Scanning with Yara for meterpreter shellcode on PID 1780
error scanning 1780: can not attach to process (try running as root)

We're leveraging a concise PowerShell script. The Get-Process command fetches running processes, and with the help of the pipe symbol (|), this data funnels into the script block ({...}). Here, ForEach-Object dissects each process, prompting yara64.exe to apply our YARA rule on each process's memory.

From the results, the meterpreter shellcode seems to have infiltrated a process with PID 9084. We can also guide the YARA scanner with a specific PID as follows.

PS C:\Windows\system32> yara64.exe C:\Rules\yara\meterpreter_shellcode.yar 9084 --print-strings
meterpreter_reverse_tcp_shellcode 9084
0x2686b1c0104:$s3: 4C 77 26 07
0xe3fea7fef8:$s4: ws2_
0x2686b1c00d9:$s4: ws2_
0x7ffbfdad4490:$s4: ws2_
0x7ffbfe85723f:$s4: ws2_
0x7ffbfe857f07:$s4: ws2_
0x7ffbfe8580a7:$s4: ws2_
0x7ffbfe858147:$s4: ws2_
0x7ffbfe8581b7:$s4: ws2_
0x7ffbfe8581f7:$s4: ws2_
0x7ffbfe858227:$s4: ws2_
0x7ffbfe85833f:$s4: ws2_
0x7ffbfe8587cf:$s4: ws2_
0x7ffbfe8588c7:$s4: ws2_
0x7ffbfe858917:$s4: ws2_
0x7ffbfe858947:$s4: ws2_
0x7ffbfe858987:$s4: ws2_
0x7ffbfe8589d7:$s4: ws2_
0x7ffbfe858a17:$s4: ws2_
0x7ffbfe859c90:$s4: ws2_
0x7ffbfe859cc6:$s4: ws2_
0x7ffbfe859cee:$s4: ws2_
0x7ffbfe859d16:$s4: ws2_
0x7ffbfe859d42:$s4: ws2_
0x2686b1c0115:$s5: 29 80 6B 00
0x2686b1c0135:$s6: EA 0F DF E0
0x2686b1c014a:$s7: 99 A5 74 61

Hunting for Evil Within ETW Data with YARA

A quick recap first. According to Microsoft, Event Tracing For Windows (ETW) is a general-purpose, high-speed tracing facility provided by the operating system. Using a buffering and logging mechanism implemented in the kernel, ETW provides a tracing mechanism for events raised by both user-mode applications and kernel-mode device drivers.

  • Controllers: Controllers possess functionalities that encompass initiating and terminating trace sessions. They also have the capability to enable or disable providers within a specific trace.

  • Providers: Providers are crucial, as they generate events and channel them to the designated ETW sessions.

  • Consumers: Consumers are the subscribers to specific events. They tap into these events and then receive them for in-depth processing or analysis.

Useful Providers

  • Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Process

  • Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-File

  • Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Network

  • Microsoft-Windows-SMBClient/SMBServer

  • Microsoft-Windows-DotNETRuntime

  • OpenSSH

  • Microsoft-Windows-VPN-Client

  • Microsoft-Windows-PowerShell

  • Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Registry

  • Microsoft-Windows-CodeIntegrity

  • Microsoft-Antimalware-Service

  • WinRM

YARA Rule Scanning on ETW (Using SilkETW)

SilkETW is an open-source tool to work with Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) data. SilkETW provides enhanced visibility and analysis of Windows events for security monitoring, threat hunting, and incident response purposes. The best part of SilkETW is that it also has an option to integrate YARA rules. It includes YARA functionality to filter or tag event data.

Example 1: YARA Rule Scanning on Microsoft-Windows-PowerShell ETW Data

The command below executes the SilkETW tool with specific options to perform event tracing and analysis on PowerShell-related events in Windows.

.\SilkETW.exe -t user -pn Microsoft-Windows-PowerShell -ot file -p ./etw_ps_logs.json -l verbose -y C:\Rules\yara  -yo Matches

Command Breakdown:

  • -t user: Specifies the event tracing mode. In this case, it is set to "user," indicating that the tool will trace user-mode events (events generated by user applications).

  • -pn Microsoft-Windows-PowerShell: Specifies the name of the provider or event log that you want to trace.

  • -ot file: Specifies the output format for the collected event data. In this case, it is set to "file," meaning that the tool will save the event data to a file.

  • -p ./etw_ps_logs.json: Specifies the output file path and filename. The tool will save the collected event data in JSON format to a file named "etw_ps_logs.json" in the current directory.

  • -l verbose: Sets the logging level to "verbose." This option enables more detailed logging information during the event tracing and analysis process.

  • -y C:\Rules\yara: Enables YARA scanning and specifies a path containing YARA rules. This option indicates that the tool will perform YARA scanning on the collected event data.

  • -yo Matches: Specifies the YARA output option. In this case, it is set to "Matches," meaning that the tool will display YARA matches found during the scanning process.

Inside the C:\Rules\yara directory of this section's target there is a YARA rules file named etw_powershell_hello.yar that looks for certain strings in PowerShell script blocks.

rule powershell_hello_world_yara {
		$s0 = "Write-Host" ascii wide nocase
		$s1 = "Hello" ascii wide nocase
		$s2 = "from" ascii wide nocase
		$s3 = "PowerShell" ascii wide nocase
		3 of ($s*)

Let's now execute the following PowerShell command through another PowerShell terminal and see if it will get detected by SilkETW (where the abovementioned YARA rule has been loaded).

Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock {Write-Host "Hello from PowerShell"}

We have a match!

Example 2: YARA Rule Scanning on Microsoft-Windows-DNS-Client ETW Data

The command below executes the SilkETW tool with specific options to perform event tracing and analysis on DNS-related events in Windows.

.\SilkETW.exe -t user -pn Microsoft-Windows-DNS-Client -ot file -p ./etw_dns_logs.json -l verbose -y C:\Rules\yara  -yo Matches

Inside the C:\Rules\yara directory of this section's target there is a YARA rules file named etw_dns_wannacry.yar that looks for a hardcoded domain that exists in Wannacry ransomware samples in DNS events.

rule dns_wannacry_domain {
		$s1 = "" ascii wide nocase

Let's now execute the following command through another PowerShell terminal and see if it will get detected by SilkETW (where the abovementioned YARA rule has been loaded).

PS C:\Users\htb-student> ping
Reply from bytes=32 time=14ms TTL=56
Reply from bytes=32 time=14ms TTL=56
Reply from bytes=32 time=14ms TTL=56
Reply from bytes=32 time=14ms TTL=56

Ping statistics for
    Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
    Minimum = 14ms, Maximum = 14ms, Average = 14ms

Now let's start working on the lab.

1) Study the "C:\Rules\yara\shell_detector.yar" YARA rule that aims to detect "C:\Samples\MalwareAnalysis\shell.exe" inside process memory. Then, specify the appropriate hex values inside the "$sandbox" variable to ensure that the "Sandbox detected" message will also be detected. Enter the correct hex values as your answer. Answer format: Remove any spaces

PS C:\Users\htb-student> type C:\Rules\yara\shell_detector.yar
rule shell_detected
                description = "Detect Domain & Sandbox Message In Process Memory"
                author = "Dimitrios Bougioukas"

                $domain = { 69 75 71 65 72 66 73 6f 64 70 39 69 66 6a 61 70 6f 73 64 66 6a 68 67 6f 73 75 72 69 6a 66 61 65 77 72 77 65 72 67 77 65 61 2e 63 6f 6d }
                $sandbox = {  }
                $domain and $sandbox
$domain = { 69 75 71 65 72 66 73 6f 64 70 39 69 66 6a 61 70 6f 73 64 66 6a 68 67 6f 73 75 72 69 6a 66 61 65 77 72 77 65 72 67 77 65 61 2e 63 6f 6d }

This is a hex pattern representing the string

To ensure that the "Sandbox detected" message will also be detected, we can use Python to retrieve the hexadecimal value.

"Sandbox detected".encode('utf-8').hex()

So here is the rule.

rule shell_detected
                description = "Detect Domain & Sandbox Message In Process Memory"
                author = "Dimitrios Bougioukas"

                $domain = { 69 75 71 65 72 66 73 6f 64 70 39 69 66 6a 61 70 6f 73 64 66 6a 68 67 6f 73 75 72 69 6a 66 61 65 77 72 77 65 72 67 77 65 61 2e 63 6f 6d }
                $sandbox = { 53 61 6E 64 62 6F 78 20 64 65 74 65 63 74 65 64 }
                $domain and $sandbox

Last updated