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Q1) To begin your investigation, can you identify the filename of the note that the ransomware left behind?
Answer: 5uizv5660t-readme.txt
Q2) After identifying the ransom note, the next step is to pinpoint the source. What's the process ID of the ransomware that's likely involved
Answer: 5348
Q3) Having determined the ransomware's process ID, the next logical step is to locate its origin. Where can we find the ransomware's executable file?
Answer: C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\facebook assistant.exe
Q4) Now that you've pinpointed the ransomware's executable location, let's dig deeper. It's a common tactic for ransomware to disrupt system recovery methods. Can you identify the command that was used for this purpose?
Answer: Get-WmiObject Win32_Shadowcopy | ForEach-Object {$_.Delete();}
Q5) As we trace the ransomware's steps, a deeper verification is needed. Can you provide the sha256 hash of the ransomware's executable to cross-check with known malicious signatures?
Answer: B8D7FB4488C0556385498271AB9FFFDF0EB38BB2A330265D9852E3A6288092AA
Q6) One crucial piece remains. We need to identify the attacker's communication channel. Can you pinpoint the ransomware author's onion domain to receive the payments from the victims?
Answer: aplebzu47wgazapdqks6vrcv6zcnjppkbxbr6wketf56nf6aq2nmyoyd
From , I search by the sha256.